The mute option is great for someone like me. Someone who doesn't want to completely remove a person from their list in order to prevent offending anyone or because you may run into one of these people and it will just make things awkward and that's just not fun.
I follow about 80 people on Twitter and have muted 4 of them for the following reasons:
- The first person RTs everything and anything that others say to them. I get the RT if someone says something funny or interesintg or a "I wish I wouldve came up with that" and you have to share it with everyone. Fine. But if someone's wishing you a good morning or asking if you're going out tonight, there is no need to RT, because....pssst noone cares. This person is muted forever.
-The second person, if there was an award for Tweeting the most in 10 minutes, this person would win it and if Twitter ever came up with a system to limit how much a person can Tweet, itd be because of this person. I have at times, contemplated e-mailing this person's boss and advising them to cut off all internet connection in the office, because of this person. Seriously. This person is muted forever.
-The third person, I just would rather not see what this person is up to and have them not exist on Twitter until January 1, 2011. Or something like that. No questions, please.
-The fourth person has so many grammatical errors on his/her tweets that it makes me want to send a set of Hooked on Phonics to his/her home. We all know how I feel about spelling and grammar. This person is muted forever.
So if you have someone in your Twitter life who annoys the bejeezus out of you, yet you don't have the heart to unfollow them (because you'd basically be letting them know that they annoy the bejezzus out of you)....mute. Mute,mute,mute. Trust me, you'll feel better.
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