Monday, December 27, 2010
Out with the old, in with the new
Ah, what a year in the life of me. If I listed all the things that I've learned this past year along with all the things that have happened,this post would prob go down in the Guiness Book of Records as the longest post in history and who has time to read all that?
This past year I went thru a lot of FML's, made friends, lost "friends", reunited with old ones, learned things about myself, learned things about others, left a job, got a new one and went thru some stuff in between. Exhausting year physically and emotionally. The biggest lesson this year may have taught me (and I'm going to get serious for a second) was to take chances and not fall into the trap of regret.
Whether its in matters of things having to do with money, friends, love, "love", new ventures,just go for it kids. Things may not always turn out the way you'd like but, like my mom always says "You'll never know if you don't try" (yes, took me 27 years to listen to this). If you what you end up knowing makes you want to risk lead poisoning and stab a pencil into your big toe, just take it as a lesson learned and keep it moving.
And that was that for the gayest post of all time. Hoppy New Jear :)
Good-bye Flow
2010 was definitely the year of the annoying catch phrases and words. Well, annoying to me. Listed below are a few words and phrases that I would prefer not to see on my timeline or FB feed:
-Flow ie gym flow, city flow, aquarium flow-Stop it. Unless you are a girl and you're talking about your you know what flow. Actually, no, you shouldn't be sharing news about that flow on any social network.
-Zoo- unless you're actually going to the zoo
-Movie-unless you're actually going to see a movie
-putting "tho/though" after everything you say, especially when it makes no sense. ie "The Knicks tho", "this snow tho", "My iguana tho"-Stop it.
-Posting "rise and grind" every morning-unless you work at Dunkin Donuts and are literally rising and then grinding some coffee beans
and last, but most certainly not least:
-asking people if they are fancy..huh?-unless...unless nothin
So, my friends, please start fresh this upcoming year and find some new words and phrases to exhaust. Weezy's back, I'm sure you'll find plenty.
Tick, Tock
-thou shall not contact the dude via social networks, texting, phone, e-mail, skype, Ichat, FB chat, telegrams, walkie talkies, nada. If the dude contacts you, you do not reply. Ever. Good.
-thou shall delete dude from all social networks. This means removing contact from phone, FB, Twitter, Kik (oh yeah you can't do that..that shit is basura). Basically removing the dude so that you won't be tempted to look at his page and see what he's up to. Good.
-thou shall not be in denial of the lingering of feelings for the dude. According to the article, whatever kind of relationship you had with the dude, whether he was your eff buddy who you caught feelings for or your bf of 79 years, throwing out the "I'm fine, who cares" attitude is the first step. Yes, good.
-thou shall avoid places that may bring possible contact with the dude. Yes, good.
While all these tips seem helpful, my opinion (you want to know? Yes, great): this is all a bunch of bollocks. If you're anything like me (which I know I'm a unique case, but there are many folk out there who share my...special thoughts) you'll know that deleting a person or ignoring them if they contact you doesn't really help all that much.
Its like a mosquito bite. Just because you put some ointment on and cover it with a band-aid doesn't mean you still can't see it and feel that bite from Satan's creature itching like all holy hell and no matter how much someone tells you not to scratch it, you're gonna do it anyway until you realize that it's not such a smart idea time, it goes away.
So, the moral of all this (because like those stories from Greek philosophers, my posts all have a moral):
The only thing that helps kids is time. Time, time, time. No matter what anyone tells you, Papa Time is really the only one that can help you out. Also, always keep in mind the words from one of the wisest men on the planet :"On to the next one". Yes.
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Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Question of the Day?
Fellas, if you ask a girl out once and she says no because she..has to wash her hair, fine ask once more. If you ask again and she's still washing her hair, either she has really dirty hair or she's not interested. If this is the case...STOP. Also, if a girl tells you she is not interested that doesn't mean: "please keep contacting me until I change my mind". It means:"I'm not interested".
So the question, actually questions, of the day are: "When does persistance cross the border into Your Annoying the Hell Out of Me town?" and the never answered :"Why is that the dudes you want to stalk your whole life on the boardwalk don't and the unwanted do?" Ah life.
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Monday, December 6, 2010
If my Ipod could talk....
Well, I gots me a new computer (yes, again) which no longer moves at a glacial pace, so let my music search Sundays resume. Besides the new Cudi and Kanye (which, if my Ipod could speak, itd prob say...alright enough of these two) I finally downloaded the semi-new Cee-lo and am in love. Well, with the songs, not him.
Album is full of lovey-dovey/why'd you break my achy-breaky heart/eff you tunes we can all relate too, but without the barf factor. Perfect for someone who fronts on their inner mushiness. I don't know anyone like that....
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Thursday, December 2, 2010
I mean....really
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Most of you know that I'm not one for the public male bashing because, well, it just makes you look stupid and we know I'm all about the poker face. Have I ever felt the urge to bad mouth a dude on Twitter or FB just to air it out? Have I ever felt like replying "shut the eff up" instead of "lol" to a Tweet or comment? Of course. But, I prefer to keep the "You are the Captain of all Dweebs" comments in my head because, well just because.
While it's obvious and true that there are a lot of dudes who do eff'd up things, I find it funny how girls always point the finger at the guys. Sometimes it's not them, it's you. Not all the time, but sometimes.
Whenever something goes wrong, a real evaluation needs to be done. And by evaluation, I mean you evaluating yourself, not your homegirls telling you "gurl that n*igga aint shit anyway, you needs you a real man". That does not count. Altho, those comments do help to hear sometimes. Sometimes. Key word in this post is: sometimes (AHHHHHHH! Okay, I'm done).
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Old People Say the Darndest Things
"Young women should not carry torches for young men who do not give two shakes about them"
We know I'm slow with these things, so I didn't really think about it until now. Now, I'm not really one for signs and all that bologna (mmm bologna..anyway...) but, it was kind of odd that out of ALL the women in the deli, she would say that to me. Maybe she was the Amazing Kreskin's long lost sista. Or not.
Point of all this, lady really knows what she's talking about. When a dude or girl (fellas) shows you that he/she is no longer interested in you, there is no point in hanging on to any type of feelings that remain. Yes, its a lot easier said then done, trust me, I know, but burn the torch out kids. Burn.that.bitch.
I promise that I too will be taking the Amazing Kreskquesha's advice. Really.
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