I have a lot of things that I can't stop doing, live without and just really love because they put a smile on my face. Including, but not limited to:
Nicknaming-I have a habit of nicknaming people. Especially guys. Whether they be guys in my life or a friend's, you're gonna get a nickname. Ie Texter, Hummer Boy, Miami, Okcups, Bootleg Kobe..some of the favorites. Its fun. Try it sometime.
Song assignment-I love music. Period. There is a song out there that reminds me of everyone I know, I have ever known, an event, or place. Some, when I hear them, make me feel all warm and toasty inside ( "Run It"-Miami LDW Prive 2005 ah I wanna go back). Some make me want to stab myself , or others, in the eye. It happens. Memories, memories.
Two words-Lil' Wayne- I've been obsessed with Lil' Wayne ever since I heard that raspy voice on "Back that Ass Up"(now now after you back it up than stop..drr drr drop it like its hot..yep thats him) I have all his albums, will watch anything on tv with him on it, will dl any song that hes making a cameo in, which is practically every song out right now, and paid $110 to go see him in concert ( well worth the $). I. heart. Weezyy baybeeh.
My Blackberry-no explanation needed.
Miami-I love Miami. I love the beaches, I love the people, I love the food, I love love Miami. I had grand aspirations of moving down there recently but it just was not in the cards for me. I would like to move down there one day no matter if its in my 30's, 40's or when im a little old lady with my beach hat and sunblock in hand eyeing the strapping young lads in their board shorts.
Facebook- If it wasn't for this site I wouldn't have found my old school homies from my beloved HS days and really wouldn't keep in touch with as many people that I do. FB is a nosey, instigating son-of-B sometimes, but gotta love it.
Secretely being a worrier-Well, not so secret anymore. I'm like a vault sometimes. Up until recently, I've never been one to discuss how I'm feeling, what's going on with me , etc. I just am not one to share news.It's not you. It's me. Alot of you think I'm Miss Calm Cool Collected Melissa just does not care (unless you are one of the very few that I bitch to. lucky you). While I try to be that way at all times, I do worry alot. I worry if I will ever find the right job, if I will ever move out of my house, if I will be the last one standing one day when all my friends are getting married and will T.I really go to jail for 30 years..aaahhh the suspense..kidding about the last one. Kind of. See kids, I have feelings too.
Humor-I think that I am a pretty funny girl. You know it. I love to make people laugh, even if they are laughing at me. You're still laughing. I also love to laugh. Alot of you know I laugh at mostly everything. It really does not take much to send me into tearing, snorting laughing. If youve heard the snort, then it mustve been REALLY funny.
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