Ive always had alot of guy friends and acquaintances. Im very good at being the "one of the guys" girl which has its pros and cons. Some ppl dont believe that guys and girls can be just friends. This can be true if youve had some sort of history in the relationship department, but for the most part I think its retarded to think that way. Here are my pros and cons on having a "hes really just my friend" friend:
1) They give you advice from a dude's perspective when it comes to relations w the opposite sex (ie stop wasting your time or just ask him whats up and see what hppns) Good advice. Even if you dont follow it. At least they told you so.
2) You can use them as a "oh my bfs over there" excuse when out at a club and some creepy freak wont leave you alone
3)They are, for the most part, drama free.
4) Youll always have a dancing partner when out at a club in Harlem and that merengue song comes on.
5) Theyll tell you what your wearing is absolutely retarded and you wont get offended by it.
1)They give you advice from a dude's perspective when it comes to relations w the opposite sex (ie stop wasting your time or just ask him whats up and see what hppns) Sometimes this is stuff you really dont want to hear especially bc they are guys and really who are we kidding most of you think alike.
2)COCKBLOCK-works both ways
Thats really all the cons I can think about. I would complain that some of them act like they are 5 yrs old again when in a big group, but who are we fooling I get like that too.
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