So I was watching this documentary on HBO on Demand (don’t look so puzzled. There is more to me than reality tv and Young Jeezy songs) about PETA and came to the conclusion that these people really need some psychiatric evaluation. Call me crazy, but I don’t see how throwing paint on people’s fur coats or sitting naked in front of a Gaultier store is getting your point across.
The documentary was pretty graphic and while it just reconfirmed my opinion of fur coats being gross ( the idea of wearing a furry dead animal on me is really not appealing. Plus, unless you’ve got a bald head,a crazy Taylor Swift bashing bf,paparazzi following you or you are over the age of 40, fur is really just not appropriate to wear on any occasion. ) it really did not make me want to start sending donations or stop eating burgers. Maybe it’s just me, I don’t know. If you’re interested and have on Demand peep it. Warning, do not watch while eating. Unless you’re like me and the site of blood and animal carcasses really doesn’t phase you (Italy, '04, me eating a bag of M&MS at the Fendi fur factory right infront of a dead chinchilla, classic.) I’m special, I know.
P.S Other interesting documentaries on there to watch: the Hurricane Katrina one, one about bipolar parents and the one about America’s obsession with youth. Hot dam, I need to get a hobby.
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