Rule of thumb:::If ppl say crap about you thats not true,, IT SHOULD NOT AFFECT YOU OR UR MOOD -Rev Run
Im guilty, but lesson learned. Just "fk that" , keep it moving and let others waste their energy on nonsense.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Thanks kids!
Alot of you say you read my blog here and there and enjoy it sooo gracias for reading. I know Im retarded and you love it :)
I know hes a girl beater, but I still love this song and think he and his tattoos are one dam fine young man. Dont judge me.
When did this happen???

Sooo my bdays coming up right after New Years (room 112 where the playas dwell!). Those who know me know Im all about the birthdays. Mine, yours, anyones I encourage celebration of the day you where born. Unless you really suck as a person , then we should be mourning this day. Ahhh kiddding.
Someone asked me how old I was turning, I said 26. Then said wait. a. dam.second. Im going to be 27. When in the name of baby Jesus did my going into my late 20's happen? I feel like it was just yesterday I turned 21.
I normally thought that when I reached this age my life would be a hella of alot diff and Id be ready to fall into a deep depression. But really besides a few things here and there my life aint that bad and I really am not gonna cry about turning 25+2. Now when I turn 30...thats a whole 'nother story.
Happy 2010

Okay so not yet. But I always say im gonna make New Years Resolutions and I do. Now if I stick to them is a whole different story. Buuuut this time, I mean business. I do.
Here are my resolutions that I hope to keep for the new year:
1) I am the master advice giver. I am. But my biggest advice whenever people have got something that, in the long run is dumb shit, I tell em to simply "Fk that" So my resolution is to follow my own advice and really try to not get bothered by petty crap like I have been stressing over for the past few months. There are really more important things in life to worry about. Like how to prevent yourself from contracting swine flu and how I can get Chris Brown to fall madly in love with me. Kidding about the second. I swear.
2)Saving money. I am a broke ass mofo at the moment and I aint got noone to blame but myself. So I will try to skip that second drink, forgo the daily latte and paper bag my lunch to work. Even though eating bologna and cheese for lunch everyday really isnt good for my diet. But, hey , at least ill be a few dollars richer. Fat people are quite jolly anyway, look at Santa.
3)Being less shy. This has been my resolution since about New Years 1989 and Ive never stuck to it. Aaand I wont do it now but its nice to think about and lets just pretend.
Ive got a month to think about some others that will prob be useless, unless one of them is to go out more. I think I can do that.
Act like you been somewhere before

Ah the Mester, the brotha to the Nester. This dude is most often spotted at any place that contains alcohol. Day or night. This is the dude thats stumbling around, eyes half open, shirt off wearing a wife beater, pants about to fall off his ass, knocking into people, looking at girls as if hes never seen one before and/or having his friends carrying him out of the spot. While these dudes are a blast to laugh at, theyre effin annoying as hell when youre at a club and theyre bumping into you or attempting to try and speak to you w their horrendous breath that almost burns your eye brows off.
If you live in NY and have been to M2 you know what Im talking about. While these dudes can be spotted practically anywhere, this place is mester heaven. Example:
Wed night everyone and their baby mommas was there for TGE. Lots of dudes acting like it was their first time at a club and theyd just discovered alcohol. This one dude was leaning against my back like I was a dam pole and did he feel it, of course not. He was walking around w his eyes closed, dragging his feet, swaying from side to side...aaand it wasnt even 1 am.
The moral of this babbling is: Dam son act like you been somewhere before. Its one thing to get twisted but if you can handle your alcohol and are acting a fool and ruining your friends nights than either a) stay home or b) switch to Redbulls minus the vodkas. Well all be thankful.
Friday, November 27, 2009
This is not a video homie and you aint Jay-Z

There are alot of things dudes wear in clubs that I just dont understand. Here goes:
Bubble Vests-youre inside. Unless they have the AC blasting and its an Alaskan themed party, leave it at the coat check.
Ski hats-please see above.
Bubble coats-Please see above.
Chains that look like they weigh about 50 lbs and make your neck go down like a Ninja Turtle- No ones gonna believe its real and it looks dumb. Leave it at home. Or just sell it and buy yourself something nice.
And last but certainly not least, my favorite of all time: Sunglasses-There is no sun.Period. If youre afraid your baby momma, jumpoff, gf or parole officer is gonna recognize you or if you just got Lasik and are scared a strobe light is gonna zap you in the eyeball and just cause all hell, then maybe put a paper bag over your head because that will look less dumbass-ish.
The moral of the story is: unless youre being an extra in someone's video or are actually Jay-Z, leave these ensembles at home. Thank you.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
You know youre a bad friend if...

Throughout my clubbing "career" I have made many observations. The biggest ones come down to girls and their friends. Especially the nesters. There is always one friend in the group who you have to just shake your head at. Sometimes, its the whole group of friends that you shake your head at. These girls need not go out anymore. Actually, they need to because they just make my night better.
For that one girl in the group I always look at her friends and wonder why they do not stop said girl from acting like shes never been anywhere before. If this is you, than you are a bad friend.
You know you are a bad friend if:
-Youre at a club, its 11pm , your one friend is rockin out, jumpin on tables, partying like its 4am...and you just sit there watching her. Tell that b*tch to sit down and hold off for another hour or so.
-Your friend is intoxicated and talking to a dude who resembles Fonz Worth Bentley on crack, Napolean Dynamite or Rick Ross...and you just sit there and watch her.
-Your friend is puking in the bathroom, banging against walls, trippin over people...and you just sit there wondering where the hell she is for two seconds then go back to doing your two-step.
-Your friend walks out of the house with muffin top, spandex in places spandex should not be allowed or sandals with her toes looking like theyre trying to commit suicide off of the shoe...and you say "ohh girl you look cute" you know dam well she does not
While this does prove highly entertaining for the rest of us, its really just not nice. Then again, maybe you shouldnt try to help her because then who will I make fun of?..ah the decisions in life.
Ms.Movie Phone gives it.....

A thumbs up and a thumbs down. Everyone's been talking about this movie so I went to see it and was eh about it. There where about 2 scenes that where super disturbing and one that made me, yes me, cry. Other than that I thought it kinda dragged on and was a bit too long. Def a wait for it to come on Demand-er.
But if you dont want to listen to me, then go see it. And I love to say I told you so, so hit me up on BBM after youve seen it.
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