Ah the Mester, the brotha to the Nester. This dude is most often spotted at any place that contains alcohol. Day or night. This is the dude thats stumbling around, eyes half open, shirt off wearing a wife beater, pants about to fall off his ass, knocking into people, looking at girls as if hes never seen one before and/or having his friends carrying him out of the spot. While these dudes are a blast to laugh at, theyre effin annoying as hell when youre at a club and theyre bumping into you or attempting to try and speak to you w their horrendous breath that almost burns your eye brows off.
If you live in NY and have been to M2 you know what Im talking about. While these dudes can be spotted practically anywhere, this place is mester heaven. Example:
Wed night everyone and their baby mommas was there for TGE. Lots of dudes acting like it was their first time at a club and theyd just discovered alcohol. This one dude was leaning against my back like I was a dam pole and did he feel it, of course not. He was walking around w his eyes closed, dragging his feet, swaying from side to side...aaand it wasnt even 1 am.
The moral of this babbling is: Dam son act like you been somewhere before. Its one thing to get twisted but if you can handle your alcohol and are acting a fool and ruining your friends nights than either a) stay home or b) switch to Redbulls minus the vodkas. Well all be thankful.
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