I am the queen of getting weird dudes to talk to me. Queen Bee. Ive spoken about this many times because it just keeps happening.Im convinced that something is wrong with me, I just havent figured out what yet. Any ideas, please let me know.
While I may not really know whats the best way to approach a girl, I can tell you ways NOT to.
-Last night, Im walking by some dude and he blows into my ear full force. As if I was a piece of looseleaf paper and he was trying to get rid of eraser left overs. This did not make me go "hey!" it made me run away. Very fast. Do not do this.
-Do not inch your way towards a girl if you see her moving away. This means she is trying to get away from you. Im standing infront of the dj booth last night and I see these dudes stand infront of it a bit away from me. Theyre looking, im thinking "please no" They move closer, I move almost behind the booth in hopes this would stop their approach. Negative they still came over anyway. smh.
-Do not tell a girl you have a gf but its okay, we all need back up plans. I cant make these things up.
-If a girl tells you she has a bf, there is a big chance shes lying, but this is signal to walk away and leave us alone, not ask for our numbers.
-The staring game. Ugh to the mo-foin ugh. This has to be thee worst. Last Friday, this dude is looking at me, he was a cutie, I was like okay a Melissa type dude. Staring, staring, staring aaand nada.Ladies, if you are brave, then go over and talk to him because he aint coming to you. I wouldnt do that because we all know I am the biggest chicken there is, but you go girl, get yo man piece. Dudes, if the girl is staring back at you chances are shes diggin you back. Or maybe shes just wondering why youre creepily staring at her. Hopefully, for your sake, its the first.
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