Ah pet peeves. For those of you who know me, know me, know that I have a long list of these things. I know alot of these things annoy you too but youre just froontin(Pharell voice).I can't remember all of them right now but here are my top ones:
Pertaining to E-mails/BBM/FB:
-When people send chain e-mails telling me that if I dont forward it to 25 people in the next 2.5 seconds a ghost is going to come and shave my head in my sleep. Stop.sending.these
-When people write in all caps. TAKE THE CAP LOCK OFF.
-When people over use exclamation points. Idk, maybe its just be but I dont find it necessary to use them so much. Ya know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like calm down.
-When people over the age of 18 use "dis" "dat" "da" in place of the real words.
-When you read someones BBM and they write back "umm why arent you answering me" maybe im busy, maybe I dont know what to say, or maybe im just really not in the mood to converse at the moment. I know Im MS Chatterbox on BBM, but even I need some quiet time.
Pertaining to Twitter:
-When people Retweet everything and anything their friends say. If someone says something funny, or a cool quote or promoting an event okay. But I really do not need to see you retweeting that @princeofzamunda22 told you that your hair looks nice today. Plus you take up my whole time line and I cant see what anyone else is saying. You know Im nosey.
-When people tweet pics of themselves all.day.long. Enough said.
-When people tweet every step of their day. I know, I tweet alot of nonsense and thats what Twitter is for to update your status. However, we do not care that now youre walking down the stairs, and now youre getting on the train, aaand now youre sitting on the train.
These things may have been on your mind too and youre just afraid to say it because you do not want to sound hostile. Iiii dont care, just keepin it real ma dudes nah'm sayin. If anyone has anything to add to this list please feel free to advise.
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