Here we go again. Ive been absent from the Highbar scene due to the holidays and boy oh boy did it welcome me back with a bang. Where should I begin?
Let's start with the stalker. A night out would not be complete unless I find a stalker. This dude last night, who shall remain nameless because later on I came to find out we have a mutal acquaintance (not at all awkward), comes up to me, says hi small chit chat, asks the "do you have a bf?" question, to which of course I replied "yep" (I use this line so much Im starting to believe it myself). I thought this would send him to prey on the next victim, but no such luck.
Later on I walk to the bar and with the blessings of the FML gods, there is my stalker friend. Hot dog. He continues to ask me if I really do have a bf or Im just saying that because I want him to go away. Being the lovely and sweet girl that I am, I said "honestly yes thats it". This then leads his friend, who was on the other side of me, to preach to me how great of a guy his friend is and I should give him a chance. If anyone spots where the "losers talk to me" sign is on me, I will love you for life. And who doesnt want that?
After I escaped my Tego Calderon wanna be lover, I thought I was good for the night. Who was I kidding? I had put my purse behind the dj booth for a few leaving my phone in there. I know, I put my phone down, something has to be wrong with me. Realizing the out of characterness that was occuring, I go to get my phone, my foot hits the chord connecting the sound equipment to the power and you can just imagine the next few seconds(something along the lines of me aplogizing profusely and wanting to put a bag over my head). Safe to say this will go at the top of my "Most Embarassing Moments" list and I am putting a restraining order on myself to stay at least 5ft away from dj booths for the rest of the year.
Why I continue to go to this place is beyond me, seeing as how no good ever comes. I guess, if I didnt go I would have no stories to tell you kids. Proof that no good deed goes unpunished.