Oh Saturday night, where to begin? This past Saturday I celebrated my being 27 years young and man was it a celebration.I was a bit nervous about the whole night seeing as how I have a hard time playing hostess and wanted to make sure everyone got in and would have fun.
About 40 of my buddies ended up showing up and it was hard to be with everyone at the same time (I know, its so hard to be me..sigh. Kidding, really.)therefore I missed many, many epic moments. The Patron and vodka also made me miss alot of moments towards the end of the night, but enough about me. From what Ive been told and from the pictures, there was def lots of mingling and dancing going on and everyone enjoyed themselves.
While there is too much that happened to go into detail , I must send a shoutout to everyone that came and aided into making this bday go down as one of my top best burfdays ever. Mel loves ya, but only as a friend.
P.S. I would also like to send a special shout out to "Pants on the Ground", "The Butt", whoever said "every song is Melissa's song", Funessa, fortune telling, Qaani's apparent hatred towards me, me trying to matchmake people and all the paparazzi whos pictures have had me tearing for the past three days.Good.times.
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