Ohhh, the secret crush. We've all had that person in our lives who we are secretely admiring but do not ever dare to say anything. I know people who have them (which is why this post has come up), hell, even I have one (anyone who knows who it is and spills, be prepared to DIE..smooches)Could be someone you see on the train everyday, could be someone you walk by everyday on the way to work, or in many cases, it could be a friend.This is where it gets complicated.
Having a crush on a friend is very similar to having a crush on a celebrity. This person is in your face all the time, when you see them you get all giddy (or some of you more cool people may just act normal),yet they are unnattainable. I say this person is unnattainable, because unless you are sure this person is interested in you as well, you will never let them know you are secretely doodling their name on your Trapper Keeper ( miss those things)in fear of rejection and that the friendship will be ruined.
A wise, okay maybe not so wise sometimes but ballsy, person advised on this topic and said people just need to take a risk and confess. I, personally, would never do this because we all know my pride bank is overflowing, but one of you try it out and let me know what happens. If it doesnt work out, next time remember these four letters, WWMD: What Would Mel Do? and then carry on.
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