I dont know if its something going around like swine flu, but alot of people around me seem to be obsessed with the thought of marriage. What is the fascination and the rush?
I know, were in our mid-to-late 20's and that's what people our age are supposed to be doing...if this was 1955. While I do not want to end up an old cat lady (or dog lady, because we all know how I feel about those satan spawns that people call pets aka cats)and would like to see myself end up with someone long term eventually, whether it be married or not (sorry mom),I see no need to be posting profiles on EHarmony looking for my soulmate (Even tho Annmarie and whatever that guys name is do like quite happy in those commercials).
I do, to use the HS term "talk" to guys, but never with the thought in mind that this will be "the one". Maybe this is because no normal guys seem to talk to me. Or maybe its because I am a big believer that if something is going to happen with someone, its going to happen when the time is right. Aww, that was so Hallmark of me.
I'm also a big believer in the thought that the more you rush things and look for them it doesnt work out.
So calm down ladies enjoy your life and don't rush to get that ring on your finger. Unless youre like 45, then rush away because ya aint getting any younger. Ah everyday I just further secure my spot in the devil's den.
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