I must say nothing really interesting happened to me last Friday. (Well something did happen after I left the spot, but I'd really rather not get into it. Lets just say...it was a looong night). The lets embarrass Melissa gods must be on some long ass vaca. However, I did learn a few lessons that I thought I was aware of but, well, you know me. Here goes:
Lesson 1:
Nerdy white boys and ghetto ass dudes love me. Why, I'm not sure. Some suggest I just change my preference of gentleman, I say, barf. I like my answer better.
Lesson 2:
Always test a skirt out before you wear it. Unless you like it getting an inch shorter every time you take a step. Personally, I dont enjoy that, but hey, whatever floats your boat.
Lesson 3:
People still really do that whole 90's gun fingers circle dance to reggae songs.This dude was getting down like he was in the middle of a bashment party and I loved every moment of observing it. The 6th grader in me wanted to go request "Rich Girl" and join him. Next time.
Lesson 4:
Whenever you see dudes about to fight, its best to move over. Way over. These two retards started fighting, one pushed the other, he flew like he had just gotten and electric shock from Blanka right onto the chair. Thankfully, I had two-stepped my way towards the other direction, if not, Im pretty sure I wouldve been knocked over and smashed a few glasses. That wouldve been pretty awesome. Not.
aaaand finally,
Lesson 5:
I learned something about myself that Ill just keep to myself because it will just give away too much and it will be too obvious to a handful on what I am speaking of. So, mums the word. Maybe if you ask nicely, Ill tell. Prob not, but maybe.
My past few Friday nights, while enjoyable, really have not been anything to write home about. Don't fret my pets, summer's coming and we all out of the ordinary things usually go down during the summer. Well, in my world at least.
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