Monday, December 27, 2010
Out with the old, in with the new
Ah, what a year in the life of me. If I listed all the things that I've learned this past year along with all the things that have happened,this post would prob go down in the Guiness Book of Records as the longest post in history and who has time to read all that?
This past year I went thru a lot of FML's, made friends, lost "friends", reunited with old ones, learned things about myself, learned things about others, left a job, got a new one and went thru some stuff in between. Exhausting year physically and emotionally. The biggest lesson this year may have taught me (and I'm going to get serious for a second) was to take chances and not fall into the trap of regret.
Whether its in matters of things having to do with money, friends, love, "love", new ventures,just go for it kids. Things may not always turn out the way you'd like but, like my mom always says "You'll never know if you don't try" (yes, took me 27 years to listen to this). If you what you end up knowing makes you want to risk lead poisoning and stab a pencil into your big toe, just take it as a lesson learned and keep it moving.
And that was that for the gayest post of all time. Hoppy New Jear :)
Good-bye Flow
2010 was definitely the year of the annoying catch phrases and words. Well, annoying to me. Listed below are a few words and phrases that I would prefer not to see on my timeline or FB feed:
-Flow ie gym flow, city flow, aquarium flow-Stop it. Unless you are a girl and you're talking about your you know what flow. Actually, no, you shouldn't be sharing news about that flow on any social network.
-Zoo- unless you're actually going to the zoo
-Movie-unless you're actually going to see a movie
-putting "tho/though" after everything you say, especially when it makes no sense. ie "The Knicks tho", "this snow tho", "My iguana tho"-Stop it.
-Posting "rise and grind" every morning-unless you work at Dunkin Donuts and are literally rising and then grinding some coffee beans
and last, but most certainly not least:
-asking people if they are fancy..huh?-unless...unless nothin
So, my friends, please start fresh this upcoming year and find some new words and phrases to exhaust. Weezy's back, I'm sure you'll find plenty.
Tick, Tock
-thou shall not contact the dude via social networks, texting, phone, e-mail, skype, Ichat, FB chat, telegrams, walkie talkies, nada. If the dude contacts you, you do not reply. Ever. Good.
-thou shall delete dude from all social networks. This means removing contact from phone, FB, Twitter, Kik (oh yeah you can't do that..that shit is basura). Basically removing the dude so that you won't be tempted to look at his page and see what he's up to. Good.
-thou shall not be in denial of the lingering of feelings for the dude. According to the article, whatever kind of relationship you had with the dude, whether he was your eff buddy who you caught feelings for or your bf of 79 years, throwing out the "I'm fine, who cares" attitude is the first step. Yes, good.
-thou shall avoid places that may bring possible contact with the dude. Yes, good.
While all these tips seem helpful, my opinion (you want to know? Yes, great): this is all a bunch of bollocks. If you're anything like me (which I know I'm a unique case, but there are many folk out there who share my...special thoughts) you'll know that deleting a person or ignoring them if they contact you doesn't really help all that much.
Its like a mosquito bite. Just because you put some ointment on and cover it with a band-aid doesn't mean you still can't see it and feel that bite from Satan's creature itching like all holy hell and no matter how much someone tells you not to scratch it, you're gonna do it anyway until you realize that it's not such a smart idea time, it goes away.
So, the moral of all this (because like those stories from Greek philosophers, my posts all have a moral):
The only thing that helps kids is time. Time, time, time. No matter what anyone tells you, Papa Time is really the only one that can help you out. Also, always keep in mind the words from one of the wisest men on the planet :"On to the next one". Yes.
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Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Question of the Day?
Fellas, if you ask a girl out once and she says no because she..has to wash her hair, fine ask once more. If you ask again and she's still washing her hair, either she has really dirty hair or she's not interested. If this is the case...STOP. Also, if a girl tells you she is not interested that doesn't mean: "please keep contacting me until I change my mind". It means:"I'm not interested".
So the question, actually questions, of the day are: "When does persistance cross the border into Your Annoying the Hell Out of Me town?" and the never answered :"Why is that the dudes you want to stalk your whole life on the boardwalk don't and the unwanted do?" Ah life.
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Monday, December 6, 2010
If my Ipod could talk....
Well, I gots me a new computer (yes, again) which no longer moves at a glacial pace, so let my music search Sundays resume. Besides the new Cudi and Kanye (which, if my Ipod could speak, itd prob say...alright enough of these two) I finally downloaded the semi-new Cee-lo and am in love. Well, with the songs, not him.
Album is full of lovey-dovey/why'd you break my achy-breaky heart/eff you tunes we can all relate too, but without the barf factor. Perfect for someone who fronts on their inner mushiness. I don't know anyone like that....
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Thursday, December 2, 2010
I mean....really
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Most of you know that I'm not one for the public male bashing because, well, it just makes you look stupid and we know I'm all about the poker face. Have I ever felt the urge to bad mouth a dude on Twitter or FB just to air it out? Have I ever felt like replying "shut the eff up" instead of "lol" to a Tweet or comment? Of course. But, I prefer to keep the "You are the Captain of all Dweebs" comments in my head because, well just because.
While it's obvious and true that there are a lot of dudes who do eff'd up things, I find it funny how girls always point the finger at the guys. Sometimes it's not them, it's you. Not all the time, but sometimes.
Whenever something goes wrong, a real evaluation needs to be done. And by evaluation, I mean you evaluating yourself, not your homegirls telling you "gurl that n*igga aint shit anyway, you needs you a real man". That does not count. Altho, those comments do help to hear sometimes. Sometimes. Key word in this post is: sometimes (AHHHHHHH! Okay, I'm done).
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Old People Say the Darndest Things
"Young women should not carry torches for young men who do not give two shakes about them"
We know I'm slow with these things, so I didn't really think about it until now. Now, I'm not really one for signs and all that bologna (mmm bologna..anyway...) but, it was kind of odd that out of ALL the women in the deli, she would say that to me. Maybe she was the Amazing Kreskin's long lost sista. Or not.
Point of all this, lady really knows what she's talking about. When a dude or girl (fellas) shows you that he/she is no longer interested in you, there is no point in hanging on to any type of feelings that remain. Yes, its a lot easier said then done, trust me, I know, but burn the torch out kids. Burn.that.bitch.
I promise that I too will be taking the Amazing Kreskquesha's advice. Really.
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Wednesday, November 24, 2010
@melisnis12 has muted you until...probably forever
The mute option is great for someone like me. Someone who doesn't want to completely remove a person from their list in order to prevent offending anyone or because you may run into one of these people and it will just make things awkward and that's just not fun.
I follow about 80 people on Twitter and have muted 4 of them for the following reasons:
- The first person RTs everything and anything that others say to them. I get the RT if someone says something funny or interesintg or a "I wish I wouldve came up with that" and you have to share it with everyone. Fine. But if someone's wishing you a good morning or asking if you're going out tonight, there is no need to RT, because....pssst noone cares. This person is muted forever.
-The second person, if there was an award for Tweeting the most in 10 minutes, this person would win it and if Twitter ever came up with a system to limit how much a person can Tweet, itd be because of this person. I have at times, contemplated e-mailing this person's boss and advising them to cut off all internet connection in the office, because of this person. Seriously. This person is muted forever.
-The third person, I just would rather not see what this person is up to and have them not exist on Twitter until January 1, 2011. Or something like that. No questions, please.
-The fourth person has so many grammatical errors on his/her tweets that it makes me want to send a set of Hooked on Phonics to his/her home. We all know how I feel about spelling and grammar. This person is muted forever.
So if you have someone in your Twitter life who annoys the bejeezus out of you, yet you don't have the heart to unfollow them (because you'd basically be letting them know that they annoy the bejezzus out of you)....mute. Mute,mute,mute. Trust me, you'll feel better.
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Monday, November 22, 2010
Grassy Ass
-red velvet cupcakes
-America's Funniest Videos
-strange people on the subway..and in the street...and pretty much everywhere
-bad dancers
-80's comedies
- the southern region of the United States
-BBM, text, e-mail and every other form of communication that doesn't require me to speak on the phone
-the change at the bottom of my purse
-vodka and Sprites
-my bed
-the Ipod
-the term FML
-having a washer and dryer in my house
-the "mute" user button on Twitter
-the "hide" friend button on Facebook
aaaaaand....all of you :) Aw. Buuuut seriously, there is much more to add to that list above, but itd prob lead to a list similar to that of...a really long one. I am however, truly thankful for my family, my friends and anyone else who brings joy to my life. Yes Young Jeezy, that means you too. Sigh
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"... glow of electric sex gleaming in the window..."
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Sunday, November 21, 2010
Kill me
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
"We're going to die..we are all going to die"
1) Swim with dolphins....but first learn how to swim-while I don't really find it neccessary to learn how to swim, I figure learning wouldn't hurt. Plus, I felt like kind of an ass when I was in Capri and my family was all jumping off the boat and swimming in the ocean and there I was holding on to the side. Fun times.
2)Master Italian and learn how to speak Portuguese- I spent a few weeks in Italy back in college and picked up the language pretty well, but I would like to able to not put a "uh..." in between sentences. Will I use these languages often? No. But, wouldn't hurt to learn. Also, you never know when I'll run into Cristiano Ronaldo. How am I supposed to kick it to him if I can't speak his language? I mean, really.
3) See Lebron James in action..don't judge me- Contrary to popular belief, I've been a Lebron fan since he was a young tyke trying to get drafted by every team under the sun. I've never seen the dude play live and would love to do so before he pulls a Omar Epps in "Love & Basketball". Sorry bud, its bound to happen.
4)Take a trip to Portugal...and Greece...and Croatia..and the south of France..and Spain...and Brazil.and New Orleans.....and Costa Rica....- and I best start saving my money.
5)Live on my own...roommate not included-While I do consider myself to be pretty independant, I don't know what its like to be completely on my own and would like to learn. While some of you think itd be pretty lonely to live alone, I would love to come home and hear.....silence. Silence is nice sometimes people.
6) Learn how to be less shy, learn that its okay to be angry at people, and learn how to say nooooooo to people- while I'm a pretty tough cookie when it comes to strangers, I can be kind of a pushover when it comes to friends, acquaintances and dudes aaaaand I need to learn how to fix this.
And last, but not least....
7) Go on "The Amazing Race" and "Wheel of Fortune"...seriously- I told someone once that I wanted to go on "The Amazing Race" and they replied "all jokes aside??" I know, me literally running around the world, and on tv at that, is a hard concept to grasp, but I want to do it! Anyone want to join me, please holla. As for the second, I mean, who doesn't want to go on that show?
That's it. That's my list. I'm sure ill add some things over time and will hopefully get to complete some or all know.
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Monday, November 8, 2010
It was all a dream....
While that obviously meant nothing, some do believe that many of your dreams are some sort of insight to your feelings or things going on in your life. Bla, bla. Well for those of you who are into this crap, help a sista out and make me a believer.
Long story short: for the past few nights I've been having dreams with the same two people in different scenarios. One of the parties, I sporadically speak to, the other, I haven't spoken to in months and in the words of Forest Gump "that's all I have to say about that". The reason that I am looking for some kind of explanation is because this has all got me trippin and trippin just really aint my style. Unless its physically tripping, then yes, I do that all the time and its def part of my style.
So, if any of you feel as if you are dream experts and can help me out, I shall go into more detail, otherwise the rest of you can just miiiind ya bizness, that's all. Ah, I love ya kids.
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Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Either Love Me or Leave Me Alone
1) If there was a town called Shyville, I'd be the mayor- I am one of the shyest people you'll ever meet. I don't like being the center of attention and it takes me quite some time to warm up to people. Especially dudes. I have no problem talking to dudes via social networks, text, whatever but when it comes to being around them in person for the first time or even first few times, some kind of evil force comes over me that turns me into Awkward Alice. This leads into.....
2) Me having zero game. Zero, zilch, none.-Those of you who know me, especially if you've dated me, know that I fail in the flirting department. My way of flirting is similar to that of that kid in 2nd grade who used to pull your pony tail because he liked you. I tease guys, joke around with them and if am comfortable, just act like a plain ol' r'tard. Does it work? Sometimes, but obviously more often no then yes. This leads into....
3) Me falling rapidly into the "Friend" Zone-I have been told many times that I'm like a dude. While I do consider myself quite girly in some aspects( nails dun, hair dun, everything did) I can be quite the un-girl. I'd rather have wings than a salad for lunch, I laugh during horror flicks as opposed to being scared, my ghetto hand goes up in the air when Rick Ross plays in a club, I drop the F bomb more often than I should, I don't cringe at dirty jokes, when it comes to relationships I'm often the one who needs the space, am not clingy and I'd rather a dude buy me a DVD than flowers. Apparently, this pushes me into the "she's one of the dudes" category, which I think is okay, but others think not. This leads into....
4) Either love me or leave me alone. I could use to be a little more flirtatious and aggressive when it comes down to wooing the opposite sex, I'll admit and I'm slooooooooooooooooowly but unsurely trying, but at the end of the day, ya gotta either love me or leave me alone.( If you haven't notice that is my favorite Jay-Z song of all time). My friend's bf may have said it best: "you know when you start to dance with someone and its weird at first because you're both trying to sync with each other and sometimes it just doesn't work? You need to find that person who's automatically gonna sync with your stupid ass and get it".
El em ef a O. Man's a genius.
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Why Sweet Jesus? Whyyyyyy?
I don't think I look particularly friendly and try to look as bored and mean as possible in order to avoid this yet, it still happens.
Saturday night, it was around 3 am, walk into CV and head straight to the bar. As soon as we get to the bar some dude starts talking to my friend, dancing with her, we give her the thumbs up of approval and let her be. A few minutes later dude taps me on the shoulder and asks the "what's your ethnicity?" question. I tell him, he then goes on to tell me he's from Ohio and wanted to know if he could ask me a few questions for the paper he was writing. Yes, let's sit down and have an interview in the middle of a club with "Tootsie Roll" playing in the background. -_- Sadly, I think he may have really been writing a paper, but, my song came on so it was just not the time.
I'm really convinced that I have some kind of sign on my head that says "Everyone except cute dudes talk to me. Now". Gonna call Harvard and see if any of their students want to use me as an experiment and figure this mystery out.
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Monday, October 4, 2010
I'll be movin on (Mya voice)
While I'll miss my coworkers, my "kids" and the freaks of nature that come thru the office, I am happy and excited to be moving on.
Thanks for the year and change full of laughs kids :)
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Friday, October 1, 2010
The answer is : pearls
Not only are those not numbers, but the girl was probably sitting there for the entire orientation thinking of a word with six letters and of all the words in the world she chooses:pearls.
Oooooh lawdy, thanks for the giggles.
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First class seat on the Emotionally Retarded Express
For some reason I have a hard time expressing my feelings unless under the influence of the truth serum (aka alcohol) or have reached the peak of Mount I've Had Enough ( the highest mountain in the land of Emotionally Retardness). On top of this, I can also have an extreme delayed reaction to things.
For example: there was a situation that ended and when it ended I just brushed my shoulders off and kept it moving. Now, weeks, almost headed into months later, I'm starting to feel the emotions of annoyance/semi-anger/borderline hurtness (if that's not a word, I just made it one). Those very few who know me, know me said they saw this coming and that I need to stop being the queen of fronting. I hate when people are right.
Maybe one day this will change or maybe this is just how I will be until the end of time. I'm betting on the second, but hey, miracles do happen.
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Sunday, September 12, 2010
Take a break from the VMA's and....
watch this for two seconds and make a small donation. I'm not really into the whole preaching for a cause thing, but this is one that is near and dear to my heart (yes, I have a heart). Times are tough, but a few dollars out of your pocket wont hurt. Unless you only have a few dollars then, just think happy thoughts.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Boys, can't live with 'em and dam sure can't live without 'em..sigh
Those of you who know me, know me know that I am the number one advocate for anti-dude bashing because, well, you win some, you lose some. However, events in my life and the lives of those around me these past few months have had me wanting to just give a few tips on the dos and donts of courting. While there are plenty of dbags in this world who will never learn, even the nicest of guys eff up sometimes. That being said while they're are plenty of psycho, overly sensitive girls in the world, even the toughest, most carefree girls in the world will feel the ouch factor in some situations. It happens to us too.
Now, I'm no expert but, I think I've experienced some things to just put my one cent in. (Can't afford to put two in right now. *hit the cymbal* Ah I crack myself up.) Anywhoo, let's cut straight to the chase and here goes.....
1)Do not, I repeat do not, tell a girl you're feelin her if you're not going to do anything about it. This is an even bigger don't if the girl is feelin you back. Even the most tough of chicks is going to feel a sting from this. It'd be like if I told you Halle Berry was going to deliver your bday cake, put her infront of your door then close it and say "sike". You'd feel kinda shitty wouldnt you?
2)Do not use a girl to try to get over another one. Distractions help, but go distract yourself by getting a new hobby. I've heard Zumba is quite fantastic.
3)If a girl asks where things are going, it's because she wants to hear the truth, so share it. If you want to tell her that you'd rather give yourself a paper cut right between your toes then move any further with her, tell her. If you want to tell her you're seeing someone else, tell her. If you want to tell her you're just not sure, tell her. Grant it, some chicks are loco en la cabeza and will maybe start burning your pictures and telling all her friends and the whole FB world that you dress in drag at night time, most of us can handle it like big girls. The truth hurts, but it's better to hear. If you'd like to maintain some sort of friendship with this girl, tell her. Honesty is quite an admirable quality and the key to a good friendship. This also goes into.....
4)Do not, I repeat do not, avoid a situation. If you just met the chick two weeks ago, went out on one date and she's blowing up your phone like a debt collector, then by all means, ignore. If you've been dating a girl for months or in the HS term "talking" to her for some time, ignoring is not the answer. Be a real dude and just tell her how it is. This is especially true if you've had some sort of friendship prior to all the nonsense. As hard as it may be for you to tell the truth, think about how hard it may have been for her to ask. It'll sting, but she'll live.
5)Like dudes, there are some girls who have no clue on how to take the initiative. Fellas, if a girl is constantly speaking to you or hinting at wanting to see you, she's not doing it just for kicks. Girls, regardless of whether they're looking for a cuddle buddy, a movie partner, a boyfriend or their future baby daddy, do not like to waste time so she aint talking to you for her health. If it's subtly right infront of your face, then take it. If come the day she stops all this hinting, it may not be because she's moved on to the next one, it may simply be because chasing after someone is eggg-sausting. I'm sure you know.
and last, but certainly not least....
6)Do not ask a girl for her phone number and start talking to her if you live 145827
states away and are not planning on relocating any time soon. In the words of my father "el amor de lejos es el amor de pendejos" (Google translate for you non-spanish speaking folk) and pen pals are so 4th grade. I'm sure you can find someoene in your own state.
Girls, these thing go for you too. The end.
Monday, September 6, 2010
And the best song ever out right now award goes to....
This song has been on repeat on my Ipod for the past few weeks. Could be for certain reasons or it could just be because we all know I have a potty mouth and its an excuse to use the word about 15 times in the span of 3 minutes. It's mostly likely the second but, only I know the truth.Shout out to Cee Lo for making such a fab little tune.
I wish I could, but.....
1)Sky diving- I've been asked over and over and over again to do this and my answer is and will always be : HELL TO THE MOTHER EFFIN NO. I'm not a big fan of sitting on a plane, strapped in with the door closed so why in the hell would I voluntarily throw myself out of one and let's face it, with my luck, that chute aint opening.
2)Reading-Unless its an 8x 11", glossy thing full of pictures, I don't want to know about it. Some say reading raises your intelligence level. In my opinion, reading about vampires frolicking around and making love in the woods or nerdy kids who have magical powers, really isn't going to make me any smarter. While I'm not exactly splitting atoms and do have my moments, I think I am doing just fine in the intelligence department thank you very much. I spell correctly, I use proper grammar and can say "Go f*ck yourself " in four different languages. See, I'm fine.
3)Snooki, Sooki, Spooki and whatever their names are- Contrary to popular belief, I really do not watch much tv. Well, actual shows. Unless its a DVD or a movie on Demand I'm really not interested to see what's on my local station. I hate "True Blood", I hate "The Jersey Shore", have never seen "The Bad Girls Club" and if I hear someone say "xoxo Gossip Girl" one more time I'm going nothing but cringe.
4)Dating- I hate dating, really. I have no problem speaking to dudes here and there via social networks and text messages, but when it comes down the the actual meeting up.....:insert BBM can't watch smiley: here. The thought of being one on one with someone I barely know really makes me want to hide under the covers. I know eventually I'm going to have to get over this, unless I want to end up an old lady sitting on a porch with my 6 dogs. This is the only one that ill actually give in to. When, don't know, but I will. I swear. Really.
5)One word: Twilight. Don't even need to go into detail on this one.
6)Leaving my house during the day on the weekends- While I do enjoy a BBQ here and there and do like to get out of my house on a nice day on occasion, most of the time I like to spend my weekends locked in my room, blinds shut, with my four favorite things in the world: my phone, my bed, my tv and my DVD player. Sue me.
Those are pretty much the main things I can think of right now. There are maybe two people I know that share these same exact thoughts and to those I'd like to give a special :insert BBM Hug smiley: here. Feel special because we all know how I feel about hugs unless you're a hot dude, then hug away.
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Friday, August 13, 2010
"Learn Something New Everyday"
1) Water parks are dangerous
2) Not all funnel cake is a piece of heaven
3) Sometimes you'll ask a person a question, if they don't give you a direct answer, there's your answer. If you know what I mean, you'll know what I mean.
4) People can give you advice up the wazoo, but in the end, you're gonna do what you want.
5) Sometimes shyness can be misconstrued as bitchiness. It sucks but, that's how the Lord sent me down here, what can I do.
6) Running in high heels, unless you're Carrie Bradshaw, is NOT, I repeat, NOT ever a good idea. I don't wanna talk about it.
7)Urban Outfitters really has the dopest shirts ever. For guys. Talk about discrimination. Not all girls want a shirt that says "Bonjour le Parie I love you" on it. Really.
8) No need to dwell on things that have already happened, no matter how much it bugs you. What's happened, happened, can't change it so keep it movin'. Who needs Dr. Phil when ya got me?
Aaaand finally
9)I shoudlve been a weather..woman. These dudes can say whatever the hell they want and they are still employed. If I have to carry my umbrella one more time without seeing an ounce of precipitation I'm going over to Mr. G and slapping him with it. Seriously.
Aaand that is pretty much it so far. Months not over, so I'm sure ill be able to update this soon. You're excited, I know.
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Can't We All Just Get Along
So, I'm super late, but I got word that Young Jeezy and Rick Ross, two of my favorite dudes from down below, have beef.
1) Who uses the word "beef" anymore, unless youre at a wedding and they ask you what you want for dinner?
2) I dont know about you but, there's plenty of room in my Ipod for the soothing sounds from both fellas. Well, that's not true because my Ipod is full at the moment, but if it wasnt, thered be room.
3)Who still has beef with another artist? That is soooooo 1999. Get with the times boys.
4) They really need to squash this beef, get together and try to get rid of those folk who are making a mockery of my beloved tunes from the south. I dont want to mention any names but it starts with a Soulja and ends with a Boy. Really.
That's pretty much my thoughts on the situation. My last piece of advice, and weve all heard these words before: "Seriously, get over it who gives a sh*t". Oprah status advice right there.
MTV, I'm ready
OOOOhhhh Lawdy. If there were ever a week in which my el has been superbly effed, it has been this one. Just going to cut to the chase here. So, here goes ahem :clearing throat:
1) Saturday night I'm out at this spot, minding my business, doing my same ol' two-step, when this girl, who was dancing as if it was her last night on Earth, knocked me in the back of the head with her teeth. Yes, with her teeth. Who does this happen to?? Oh yeah, me.
2) Most of you know that Sundays are my day to do nothing but be a waste of space, eat and watch tv. Best day of the week. Well, this past Sunday, I got my lazy butt up and went to a water park. I know, the girl who cant swim going to a water park just screams "BAD IDEA". Long story short, get on the first ride, I get knocked in the head so hard that my contact popped out and my face swole up, days later I get a killer headache and can't walk without almost tipping over, go to the Dr (surprise, surprise, I went to a Dr.) and he tells me.....I have a mild concussion. WHO THE EFF GETS A CONCUSSION AT A WATER PARK???? Oh yeah, me.
And finally:
3) These meds the Dr gave me say : No alcoholic beverages. I mean, what is this dude trying to do to me? I think I've read enough Web MD to know that consuming an alcoholic beverage or two is okay. Psh, dont need no 10 years of med school to diagnose something.
The point of all this was just to a) give you a guys a little chuckle ( hey, even if youre laughing at me, youre laughing) b) have you be glad youre not me and c)prove that I really need my own reality show. C'mon dudes. Long overdue.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
By the Power of Grayskull
1) I am really the master of covering my feelings. Many of you have heard the "I'm laughing, but I'm really pissed" before. Prime example. Not sure why when I get really angry I start to laugh. Life mystery.
2) I am the master of letting things bother me forever and pretending like I don't care. Although a chosen few do get to hear my "wtf?"s. So special.
3) I am the master of saying " am I wrong?" And btw most of you know, I'm not most times. You love it.
4)I am the master of letting my pride get the best of me. I know, I know, I KNOW.
5) I am the master of ;). Ah I kid.
6) I am the master of listening. People tell me their problems. Friends, coworkers, strangers, the lady in Duane Reade. I'm not quite sure why, but, I'm there for ya babes. This leads to being the master of all masterness......
7) I am the master of keeping secrets. If I had a quarter for every time someone said " don't tell anyone, but.." I'd be living in a beach front condo in Miami with my yacht parked out front and all the Yoohoos my little heart desired in my fridge. Tell me something and you kids can rest assured that I will take it to the grave. Even if you make me mad and I start hating you more than Oprah, that bitch.
So yes those have been my discoveries. Many of you are probably saying "duh we knew this" and I did too, I was just in denial. Sue me.
PS I'm totally being the Spanish cocoa She-ra for Halloween. Score.
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Thursday, July 15, 2010
Question of the Day
If anyone can give me an answer to this I nothing but say "thanks!". Hey, a little politeness goes a long way.
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Thursday, May 27, 2010
Ninja Please
Anywho, long story short, Friday night dude approaches me, I gave him my number, dude calls me the next 8:59 am.
Let's figure out all the things wrong with this.
1) He called me. I mean, I know the dude doesn't know me, but really I barely pick up the phone for people I know (if I do pick up your calls or call you back consider yourself special), let alone a stranger. This is why the phone gods invented text messaging, hellooo.
2)He called me at 8:59 am. I have and do have conversations with people at this time, but its with people that I've known for more than one hour.
3) He called me at 8:59 am on a Saturday.
I think that this is a pretty good little example on what dudes should not do if they want a girl to call them back. I also think its a pretty good example that backs up my theory of the rarity of a normal dude ever approaching me. The proof is in the pudding kids, can not make it up.
PS Dude has also been calling me everyday since last Friday. I don't know about you, but if someone doesn't answer me after the second call, I'd pretty much think that they're never going to answer me. I totally mustve been a puppy killer in my past life.
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Thats Way Harsh Tai
As some of you know Ill be journeying (is that a word?) many miles away in a week and have been informed that it is quite expensive to use my beloved Blackberry out there. Very expensive. This means I will be mia from FB, Twitter and BBM for eight whole days. EIGHT. WHOLE. DAYS. May as well be a million.
Will be quite interesting to see how long it takes for my thumbs to start twitching and I start rocking back and forth like Chris Rock in New Jack City. Maybe I wont miss it at all. Ah who are we fooling, Ill probably slip and come back to roaming charges up the wazoo.
PS Ill miss you kids (some of you) but you know what they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder. Sometimes.
Um yeah so...
Friday, May 21, 2010
D. Wade who?
The story goes like this:
In the elevator at the Shore Club this dude, who was about 9 1/2 feet tall walks in we stop our convo friend says: "Are you a basketball player?" His response:
"Yeah I play for the Heat but you probably woulndt recognize me because Im always on the bench"
This went down in the books as one of the funniest things ive ever heard in life and shout out to him for keepin it real.
Its okay, youre still on the payroll honey.
You'll shoot your eye out
Over time, the wearing glasses and contacts is not only getting annoying but putting quite the dent in my already extremely dented wallet. Because of this I have been contemplating going under the knife next year and getting the dreaded eye surgery.
I've researched how they do this and basically they blind you for about 5 minutes, slice things in your eyeball, put some goggles on you that make you look like Spiderman's short bus riding cousin, send you on your way and then ta-da no more four eyes. Hmm.
I don't know about you, but, none of that, except for the last part, really sounds like a party to me.
I've heard guys find girls with glasses kinda cute anyway....right? Someone just say yes, thanks.
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The Shallow Award Goes To...
My argument: in order to date someone you must be attracted to them and no amount of money in the world is going to turn Bill Gates into David Beckham. Actually, no one can ever compare to David Beckham, but you know. Oh David.
Their argument: but he's rich.
After writing this post I've realized that both parties are the shallow ones. I personally think that I am the less shallow one because, well, just because. The jury is out.
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Because guys are dumb
This further backs up my theory that guys are a mystery of life and thou shall not ever attempt to understand. Just roll your eyes, say what-ever and.....that pretty much works.
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Thursday, May 20, 2010
Hello, McFly
1)Brown people do burn.
We all know I love to get my Wesley Snipes on and we all know my face is the last to get the message that everyone looks better with a tan. I decided to do the smart thing and not put sun block on my face. Because of the genius idea, I came back looking like Rudolph with hair and now have some sexy peeling action going on. I'm sure ill attract some fellas this weekend with this.
2)Miami cab drivers are the best and craziest cab drivers on the East Coast.
I had one cabbie singing along to Gucci Mane in a Haitian accent, one blasting David Guetta, one letting me know where I could find the single men and one screaming at passing cars to "get a life". If that isn't awesomeness, I really don't know what is.
3) Dudes from DC throw some pretty awesome rooftop parties....even if you're technically not invited.
DJs in masquerade gear, Lil Wayne blasting, vodka on deck. All good. I also learned that the perfect answer to "scuse me how did you hear about this party?" is "I don't know , I just did" Trust me, charms the pants off of anyone.
4) Jose Reyes and Wacka Flocka are not the same person.
Enough said.
5)The older I get, the less smooth Patron goes down. Ah the perils of life.
6) If someone wants to go and talk to a dude for you, just let 'em.
Yes, my chicken-ness travels too.
7) Walking up steep stairs with a skirt on is not a good idea.
And last, but not least:
8) There are actual things as Lesbian conventions.
While I consider myself a pretty open-minded gal......I have my limits. Apparently there was a convention for the Aqua girls which is basically WMC for lesbians and apparently lesbians scare single dudes away. Score.
There were many other moments that occurred that have had me giggling like a crazy person at my desk for the past few day and sadly they can not be explained. For those who were there I have two words :" Mac Compact" hahahahahahaa. Ahhhh the end.
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Saturday, May 8, 2010
I have to...wash my hair
While I can't exactly say I have thousands of dudes knocking on my door, I have been asked out and have politely (yes I can be polite) declined due to the fact that I find it almost torturous to hang out with someone that I barely know. Awkward silence, the trying to impress you wining and dining, asking questions such as where did you grow up, what's your favorite movie, the "sooooo...what else"'s are really not my idea of a good time. Not to mention that I have a hard time being my fabulous self (kidding) around a stranger. The last date I went on having a conversation with the dude was like waiting in the dentist chair. Needless to say, it did not work out.
According to my friends, unless I want to be an old cat lady in the future, I'm going to have to give in one of these days and just give one of these dreaded "d" words a shot. Well see.
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Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Nightmare on 249th St
I have four weddings to go to and need a date for two of them. My ideal wedding date would be :
-look good in a suit
-entertain me during the boring parts
-dance to at least one song which is not the cha cha slide
Seeing as how I am batting zero in the dude department, itd really be grand if one of my dude friends would do me a solid and volunteer themselves. The upside of this would be you having the pleasure of my company for an evening and me loving you forever, but only as a friend. Did I mention free food and booze? Help a sista out.
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The Friday Night Files
I must say nothing really interesting happened to me last Friday. (Well something did happen after I left the spot, but I'd really rather not get into it. Lets just was a looong night). The lets embarrass Melissa gods must be on some long ass vaca. However, I did learn a few lessons that I thought I was aware of but, well, you know me. Here goes:
Lesson 1:
Nerdy white boys and ghetto ass dudes love me. Why, I'm not sure. Some suggest I just change my preference of gentleman, I say, barf. I like my answer better.
Lesson 2:
Always test a skirt out before you wear it. Unless you like it getting an inch shorter every time you take a step. Personally, I dont enjoy that, but hey, whatever floats your boat.
Lesson 3:
People still really do that whole 90's gun fingers circle dance to reggae songs.This dude was getting down like he was in the middle of a bashment party and I loved every moment of observing it. The 6th grader in me wanted to go request "Rich Girl" and join him. Next time.
Lesson 4:
Whenever you see dudes about to fight, its best to move over. Way over. These two retards started fighting, one pushed the other, he flew like he had just gotten and electric shock from Blanka right onto the chair. Thankfully, I had two-stepped my way towards the other direction, if not, Im pretty sure I wouldve been knocked over and smashed a few glasses. That wouldve been pretty awesome. Not.
aaaand finally,
Lesson 5:
I learned something about myself that Ill just keep to myself because it will just give away too much and it will be too obvious to a handful on what I am speaking of. So, mums the word. Maybe if you ask nicely, Ill tell. Prob not, but maybe.
My past few Friday nights, while enjoyable, really have not been anything to write home about. Don't fret my pets, summer's coming and we all out of the ordinary things usually go down during the summer. Well, in my world at least.
And the Best Text of the Day Award Goes to......
-this is from an anonymous source who asked not to be revealed. Oh you kids crack me up, really. May I add, I concur with a side of LMAO. The anger was definitely felt.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Everybody's a Suspect
What in the effin sam hell name of all that is good and holy is wrong with people? I don't know about you, but I really don't think its appropriate to go around stealing food from people's desks or go near others desks in general. Stay in your space.
I have been repeating "I can't believe someone ate my cookies" for the past two days because I really can't believe someone ate my cookies. Its a small office full of grown ass people, let's get some manners.
The moral of this rambling is: people are dam retarded. When I tell you that everyone is a lunatic, its not me being hostile, its me just stating the facts people.
PS Someone left me this note on my desk this morning.There are some sick fks out there, I tell you. If I ever find this creep Im going to...probably do nothing. Ah well.
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Wednesday, April 21, 2010
What's for lunch?
While I have had a love affair with food since the early 80's, I've also attempted to put myself on a diet starting every Monday since about 1989. As I was chowing down my fish tacos this pass Sunday at CPK I realized that diets just make people miserable and lord knows I do not need anymore misery fuel in this tank.
Sometimes I wish I could be one of those girls who was allergic to food, but really life would just be no fun. The moral of this story is.......bring on the burger. Not that I have been forgoing burgers recently and not that I plan on adding one to my everyday diet (high cholesterol really just isn't cute) but I am just saying from now on if I want to eat a burger damnit I am going to eat it and not give it a second thought. Let's just pray that leggings never go out of style.
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Tuesday, April 20, 2010
"Hey, what's up"
My friend has these huge eyes and long eye lashes that she uses to bat at any boy that comes across her whom she finds attractive. I too have huge eyes and long lashes but the only time I bat them at someone is if I'm speaking and something happens to fly into my eye. She changes her laugh up to this soft little giggle and if a dude she likes makes her laugh she uses it. If a dude I like makes me laugh, hello chipmunk giggle and occasionally, a snort. Smooth.
By nature, I am not a sexy or flirtatious person. While I would consider myself a decent looking girl and not full blown Harriet the Herb, I am not exactly oozing Megan Fox charm. In a way you can say my version of flirting is just to be myself. My retarded, class clown self. My reasoning for this is that if I'm going to hang out with a dude he may as well know from the get go how I am and if he doesn't like it then, as my grandma would say, "bye-bye Charlie".
Its all about saving time people, life is short. Life lessons from Mel right here.
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Monday, April 19, 2010
Is it me or....?
While I was on the A train, there was a man sitting across from me speaking to himself. The woman next to him had a look on her face as if she was about to clock anyone that got near her and her 50 shopping bags. The guy standing by the door appeared homeless and extremely aggravated that there were others on the train besides him. Then there was me. Ill be the first to admit that I am a bit strange sometimes. The smell of oranges makes me want to puke, I cut my food into pieces because I think it equals more food and I enjoy doing laundry. However, I would not even put myself anywhere near the level of these people. Not saying that I am better than them, but really.
So next time you're riding the train, take a look around and notice the wonders that are around you. Just don't stare too hard, because, well, you watch the news.
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Testing 1,dos,3...
If this does work out you can expect much more blogging for your reading pleasure. You're excited, I know.
P.S this picture has nothing to do with this post, but it was the first thing to pop up on my phone sooo please disregard. Thanks, bye.
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Saturday, April 17, 2010
"From downtooooown"
It's about that time again. Many of you who know me, know me, know that I am really not the athletic or sporting even type of gal, except for this. While you won't find me painting my face or screaming obscenities at the tv, I do love me some NBA playoffs. This year I am crossing my fingers and doing the "lets goooo" dance for my dudes on The Heat or the Cavaliers and telling Kobe to kiss my #$@(looks can only get you so far with this girl).
Good luck boys.
The Friday Night Files
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
New in the Groupie files
We all know how I feel about groupies and gold diggers. Not going to lie, when I was a young girl, I used to watch professional soccer games and the NBA and say, hey, one day I'm going to marry me one of those boys and live in a house that looks just like Barbie's. But, seriously.
These chicks, in my opinion, are just an embarrassment to chicks. While it is quite fab to have money and cars and a condo in Miami (ah the dream), hooching yourself around and spreading your business in public is really not okay.
If anyone can explain to me why they keep giving these types shows, please holla at me.
PS VH1, I'm free if you'd like to come and give me some type of show. I am quite the entertaining gal.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Don't Know....
The Friday Night Files
Ive decided to switch my Fridays up a bit for a few reasons, all of which are nunya. Not that serious so please no specualations. Actually, go ahead speculate because it is always fun for me when you kids try to figure things out that I wont tell you. Ah so fun.
While nothing embarrassing happened to me again this past Friday (wooo-eeee I'm on a roll!) it was quite fun. A fellow Rickian is leaving us for the West Coast so a bunch of us decided to go out for a few cocktails. A few, a lot, a bunch, whatever. The evening went quite well and I'm hoping we sent him off with a good last hoorah.
Nothing quite epic happened but I did learn a few lessons:
-Patron is the devil-I thought that I knew this, but guess not.
-Smile more because then people think that you are mean-Apparently a few of the Ricky's boys were frightened by me. Not sure why, I mean really, my face just radiates happiness and joy. Sort of.
-Learn people's last names, or just pretend that you know them-Ah, you had to be there lol
Last but not least:
It is not a smart idea to fall asleep on the train after you've been drinking-Apparently it was announced that the train would be skipping my stop and I did not hear it because I was passed out. Thanks to my attentiveness, I ended up in East Jesus Nowhere, LI and had to pay $40 for a cab ride home. It is becasue of this that I will be not be buying my morning coffee this week. Fab.
WWMD: What Would Meli Do?
I grew up completely surrounded by guys, all much older than me. While it was fun at times, it really never left much room for getting advice and talking.
For some reason, every baby born into my family over the past few years has been a girl. Maybe its something in the water. Or maybe God is punishing all my male cousins. I think that one is it. While I did and do have my mom to talk to , sometimes someone closer to your age is needed. Here's where I come in. Many of my little girl cousins are still in their Barbie and Dora phase, but when the time comes I would hope they would feel comfortable coming to me on any issue they may have. We all know I'm really not one for talking, so if the day does come, I think I will just show them this post and see if it answers their questions or teaches them anything. If not, go ask your mom kid.
Here goes:
On the outside:
-Boobs or Booty: If youre going to show leg, cover up the boobs. Unless its Halloween, youre at the beach, or you got a job that requires you to work past midnight. I hope not, but, you never know.
-If your toes or heels are protruding from your shoes, they do not fit.
-Muffin Top is only acceptable on top of a muffin.
-Camel Toe is only acceptable on a camel.
-Chipped nail polish. If I see it, I will pull a clothesline and unpolish the shit out of you.
-Not all of us were blessed to look like Keri Hilson (dam that beotch, I know), but if youre happy with your fab bod, then work it girl. If not, Crunch and NYSC always have membership specials.
When it comes to other girls:
-Dont be catty-If someone is bugging you, then just keep it moving. Avoiding people and shit talking just takes way too much energy. Ah that was so Rev Run of me.
When it comes to boys:
-Boys are a mystery of life. No matter how much you try to understand them, it will never happen so don't even try.
-Don't be a dude hater- While there are some dbags out there, there are some good ones as well. Whether you find them in a relationship or friendship, theyre out there.
-Don't be a dude basher- Sometimes a dude is going to do something that will make you want to tell him to go take a long walk off of a short cliff, but just keep it to yourself or tell your friends. No Twitter, no FB, no e-mails. Again, too much effort and they probably arent even worth it.
-Don't be afraid to tell a boy you like him- I've only learned this after 100 years of living, but it's okay to do, whether the outcome be good or bad.
-Guys and girls can be friends...even after dating-There will be some people to tell you that this is impossible, but its not.
-Know when to let it go-Sometimes you'll like a dude alot and sometimes the dude may not feel the same way. It happens. If you find yourself pursuing a guy and dont feel anything in return, do like Keyshia Cole says and let it go. Not gonna lie, itll burn, but its for the best.
-Money doesnt buy happiness- A dude driving a Benz is not any better then a dude driving a hooptie. A douche is a douche, a nice guy is a nice guy regardless of what's in his pockets. a dude's FB, Twitter, spots he goes to equals no bueno and no good can ever come of it.
-Again, guys are a mystery. Sometimes they will do and say things that you will not understand. Do.not.try. I repeat. Do.not.try. You will not succeed. There are some dudes who will explain their actions to you, but it is as rare as a good picture of Wacka Flocka. Ah boys, can't live with 'em and def can't live without 'em.
Last but not least: groupie-Enough said
While this post was intended for my future hot mommas to read in about 10 years, it may have entertained some of you. If it didn't, youre probably super boring anyway.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Anyone who knows me knows that I loves me some Pharrell. Many of my girl friends do not see what I see in this dude, but in my eyes he is one mighty fine piece of booty. Dude had this creepy child molester mustache going on before and I had fallen off the Pharrell wagon, but he has redeemed himself. If anyone would like to pass him along my number, please do not hesistate. Thanks.
Wardrobe Malfunctions
Not sure on how to start this post other than, ladies mind your booties. Saturday night, this girl was doing all sorts of stuff, fell , gets up and her dress is basically bunched up on her waist with her whole ass in the air. Does anyone tell her? No. She needs new friends.
Not gonna lie, I've occassionally gone sans underwear depending on the outfit. Dont judge me, a lot of people do it. However, if I am going without I am most certainly not gettin low, droppin down and gettin my eagle on or anyting else that requires a near flashing. Not that I do these things anyway when I am wearing underwear, but you get the point.
So girls, if youre going to get wasted and be stumbling all over the place Victoria's Secret sells full ass underwear 5 for $20. Its a grand investment.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
"Put your phone away"
Im addicted to my Blackberry. We all know this. Some people say I may have a problem, I really dont see the big deal or how its harmful, until last night. These two dudes were trying to talk to my homegirl and me and we were trying to do the talk on your phone so maybe theyll go away thing. They seemed to know people I knew, so I was trying to be ever so polite even though I wanted to shout out "GO THAT WAY". As I was on my phone, one of the dudes asked me if I had BBM, I said yes, but dont use it. His response "well youre gonna start" Hot dog. I tried to pretend that I really didnt know how to use BBM, but he took it upon himself to put his number in and his pin in, then proceeded to ask me for my number (even though I gave the "I have a bf" excuse. Shit just doenst work anymore) and I gave him a wrong one just to get him to go away.
Moral of this story:
I will now be putting my phone away while out so I can actually make the "I dont know how to use BBM" or "I dont have my phone on me" excuse actually work. Well see how this works out for me. I'm betting keeping my phone in my purse the whole night will be quite difficult. Challenge is on aaand go.