Always go with your gut instincts. Always. Always. I always say this and never listen but maybe this time I will.
Saturday night something was telling me to stay home. The little voice inside my head kept saying "Dont do it" buut you kids know me, I never listen to anyone. I forced myself to get dressed and headed to Mansion ( I know its M2 now, whatever, that name is retarded). I havent been to Mansion on a Saturday in a hot minute so didnt know what to expect. I heard Kid Cudi was doing a party there this upcoming Sat and my friends had gone last week and said it was decent so I had a bit of hope. That hope was squashed and washed away as soon as I stepped behind that little red rope. Entering the club where European guidos ( similar to the US guido,Affliction and Ed Hardy shirts, spiked hair containing maybe a life time's supply of LA Looks, big belts..but the Euro ones also like to wear their super tight button downs with a few buttons on the top open to show off that sexy chia pet growth underneath. mmm mmm)and the girls. Oh the girls. The girls where the kinda girls I like to call "nesters" (post on that later).
For those of you who have been to LQs, the Copa, Crobar and Strata when they went downhill, these girls where those kinda girls that go/went to those places. Stringy, greasy hair, pastel dresses with chains and cuts places that chains and cuts should not be, ass cheeks and cellulite hanging out, clear heels....just pure classiness. I stayed in this fiesta of sexiness for about half an hour then sadly had to leave bc of a door incident with my other friends I was supposed to meet up with. GOD BLESS THE DOOR MAN. This will probably be the only time I will say this.
I was contemplating going home at this point bc I was already in a bad mood and just wanted to go spend some QT with my bed and DVR but was peer pressured to move on to the next venue. You kids are lucky that youre the cheese to my macaroni.
We hopped in a cab and I must say this was the BEST part of the whole night. My Bberry is being a d-bag and not letting me upload the video but when I figure it out, this video will be put up here. Basically one of my homegirls, Rikki, gets into it with the cab driver about how they think they run this town (oooh oooh ooh oohh (Rihanna voice) ah corniness lives) and how they cant just cut accross traffic like "a wild bat out of hell". The convo was about 5 minutes long and had me snorting the whole ride. PS we asked and El , the cabbie, does not have Facebook.
We get to Pranna, looks like a decent place, but as soon as we stepped inside it was like someone had pushed me into a Bollywood nightmare. I got stepped on about 25 times, some dude with a shirt that resembled a picnic table cloth from Jacks 99 cent store kept trying to take pics with us and some dude asked if I could get up so that he could sit down. The DJ also went on to play "I got a feelin" and that Sean kingston song asking someone to call 911 because shawtys got a fia burnin THREE TIMES EACH. THREE TIMES. Someone mentioned to me that it sounded like I was in hell. It surely felt that way.
The only things that made me last where watching Brynn, our token Jamaican friend whos really Irish but can pon de river and row the boat like nobodys bidness, get hit on by a guy with turban and the 10 girls come in through the door with Rikkis same dress on "OH HELL NO!!!!" lmfao...laughter really can cure anything
The moral of the story is always trust your gut kids. If it says stay home and watch repeats of Bridezillas then thats what you do.