I talk alot about stalkers because we all know thats all I attract. Thankfully nothing serious or scary, but just annoying. In speaking with some of my homeboys and girls you realize that some people just dont get it when they are stalking. Here are some rules to prevent yourself from being a stalker and/or make you realize that you are a stalker:
1)You text someone once they dont text you back. You text them again, its cool bc phones are stupid and maybe they didnt get your text. If they do not answer you back after that, DO NOT TEXT THEM AGAIN. One of my girls had some dude text her "Hey" everyday for two weeks. Nothing but "hey". My other homegirl has some dude text her "Hey hows work" "What are you up to?" "Why you gotta be so shady for" Ive been having some dude who seemed normal text me "Hey Luv" for the past 2 months on and off and everytime I see it I say sweet baby Jesus please leave me alone.
2)If you comment on someones FB/Myspace status, wall, picture and they never reply to you, guess what they dont wanna talk to you.
3)If you ask someone out and they say no and make up some bs excuse like I have to take my grandma to get the fungus removed from her toe, that person does not want to go out with you.
All these things really make me lose hope in humanity and get me scared to ever give any dude my phone number even if he seems normal. Because we all know looks can be deceiving. Lets remember a little movie called Fatal Attraction.
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