Wednesday, March 3, 2010

It's not you, it's me

I was observing myself and wondering why it is that I find humor in so many things that I should not find humor in, such as the misfortunes of others. By misfortunes I mean people falling, slamming into things, being just plain wierd, etc. The answer to this would be : you would do it to me too. Yep, that's my justification.

Those who know me and have spent time with me know that I am one clumsy ass mofo and have awkward and embarrassing things happen to me all the time and everyone laughs, soooo what-ever. Some may call me mean, but I just call those people boring. I would also like to add, if I was this nice, sweet girl, life would just be no fun now would it?

1 comment:

  1. the only people who don't laugh at things like that are called Republicans and they should be shoved into ovens anyway.
