I was having an e-mail chat with one of my friends the other day and he asked why do girls ask for advice when it comes to dudes and never take it. While I was about to say "that's not true" I stepped back and realized that in most cases, it is the dam truth.
I'm sure dudes (especially those with female friends) know that us girls have plenty of "What should I do" conversations when it comes to many things, especially dudes. While we all give each other the basic advice "Text him", "wait until he texts you" "eff that hoe"(inside joke.ah you silly kids hahahaha)we basically barely ever listen.
Basically, we ask for advice to reassure ourselves, confirm what our gut instincts are telling us to do or in many cases , use it to do the complete opposite of what our friends are telling us to do.(hee hee).However, for many people, asking there girl friends/guy friends for advice is really just a mighty big waste of breath because you dam well know you're going to do what you want anyway whether it be good, bad, right, wrong, ballsy, ballsless.
I can safely say, it is a very rare moment when I take advice on this matter and when I do I end up kicking myself in the donk. It's not you kids, its me. Do I still do it? Yes. Why? Please see the reasons above.
I did reply to my friend with all this ramble, his response: "Dam weirdos"
Pssscheyyeah.....look who is talking. While I do defend dudes against the public rants and raves against them, I must say some of you fellas are quite the complicated creatures and need to be made a mystery of life, but that is a whoooole 'nother post. Stay tuned. You're excited, I know.
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