Wednesday, November 24, 2010

@melisnis12 has muted you until...probably forever

I used to have a love/hate relationship with Twitter. This was before the "mute" option. Now, I got nothin' but love for ya baby. Whoever decided to come up with this option needs a raise, a high-five, a trip to Disney World and a "way to go champ" because they are a genius.
The mute option is great for someone like me. Someone who doesn't want to completely remove a person from their list in order to prevent offending anyone or because you may run into one of these people and it will just make things awkward and that's just not fun.
I follow about 80 people on Twitter and have muted 4 of them for the following reasons:

- The first person RTs everything and anything that others say to them. I get the RT if someone says something funny or interesintg or a "I wish I wouldve came up with that" and you have to share it with everyone. Fine. But if someone's wishing you a good morning or asking if you're going out tonight, there is no need to RT, because....pssst noone cares. This person is muted forever.
-The second person, if there was an award for Tweeting the most in 10 minutes, this person would win it and if Twitter ever came up with a system to limit how much a person can Tweet, itd be because of this person. I have at times, contemplated e-mailing this person's boss and advising them to cut off all internet connection in the office, because of this person. Seriously. This person is muted forever.
-The third person, I just would rather not see what this person is up to and have them not exist on Twitter until January 1, 2011. Or something like that. No questions, please.
-The fourth person has so many grammatical errors on his/her tweets that it makes me want to send a set of Hooked on Phonics to his/her home. We all know how I feel about spelling and grammar. This person is muted forever.

So if you have someone in your Twitter life who annoys the bejeezus out of you, yet you don't have the heart to unfollow them (because you'd basically be letting them know that they annoy the bejezzus out of you)....mute. Mute,mute,mute. Trust me, you'll feel better.
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Monday, November 22, 2010

Grassy Ass

Since Thanksgiving is coming up, it got me thinking of the things that I'm really thankful for. Despite the hail stones of FMLs that rain down on me from time to time, I do have many things to be thankful for. :clearing throat: So, I am thankful for- the following:

-red velvet cupcakes
-America's Funniest Videos
-strange people on the subway..and in the street...and pretty much everywhere
-bad dancers
-80's comedies
- the southern region of the United States
-BBM, text, e-mail and every other form of communication that doesn't require me to speak on the phone
-the change at the bottom of my purse
-vodka and Sprites
-my bed
-the Ipod
-the term FML
-having a washer and dryer in my house
-the "mute" user button on Twitter
-the "hide" friend button on Facebook

aaaaaand....all of you :) Aw. Buuuut seriously, there is much more to add to that list above, but itd prob lead to a list similar to that of...a really long one. I am however, truly thankful for my family, my friends and anyone else who brings joy to my life. Yes Young Jeezy, that means you too. Sigh
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"... glow of electric sex gleaming in the window..."

Yes, its one of my favorite movies of all time and yes, if I had my own place, this would totally be decorating it.
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'Bout Time

Album is full of dopeness. Get it, listen, love it.
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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Kill me

Rummaging through old award's videos (you know, when they used to be decent), I found this and remember how excited I was to watch it. Now you can judge me.


A movie worth going to see.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

"We're going to die..we are all going to die"

If you don't know what movie that's from, don't talk to me. Just kidding. In conversation with a friend the other night, the topic of a "Bucket List" came about. Kind of morbid, but life is short kids and you never know when its going to be that time for the lawd to come and kidnap you. I'm so postive and full of joy, I know. Some of you, well actually none of you, are aware that at the top of my list of fears is death. I'm not a big fan of not knowing when, how or what will happen, so I've never really thought about this whole "Bucket List" thing (btw that was one of the saddest movies ever. Really). So, I took some time to think about it and compiled everyone's favorite thing, a list, of things I'd like to do before I check out. Here goes:

1) Swim with dolphins....but first learn how to swim-while I don't really find it neccessary to learn how to swim, I figure learning wouldn't hurt. Plus, I felt like kind of an ass when I was in Capri and my family was all jumping off the boat and swimming in the ocean and there I was holding on to the side. Fun times.

2)Master Italian and learn how to speak Portuguese- I spent a few weeks in Italy back in college and picked up the language pretty well, but I would like to able to not put a "uh..." in between sentences. Will I use these languages often? No. But, wouldn't hurt to learn. Also, you never know when I'll run into Cristiano Ronaldo. How am I supposed to kick it to him if I can't speak his language? I mean, really.

3) See Lebron James in action..don't judge me- Contrary to popular belief, I've been a Lebron fan since he was a young tyke trying to get drafted by every team under the sun. I've never seen the dude play live and would love to do so before he pulls a Omar Epps in "Love & Basketball". Sorry bud, its bound to happen.

4)Take a trip to Portugal...and Greece...and Croatia..and the south of France..and Spain...and Brazil.and New Orleans.....and Costa Rica....- and I best start saving my money.

5)Live on my own...roommate not included-While I do consider myself to be pretty independant, I don't know what its like to be completely on my own and would like to learn. While some of you think itd be pretty lonely to live alone, I would love to come home and hear.....silence. Silence is nice sometimes people.

6) Learn how to be less shy, learn that its okay to be angry at people, and learn how to say nooooooo to people- while I'm a pretty tough cookie when it comes to strangers, I can be kind of a pushover when it comes to friends, acquaintances and dudes aaaaand I need to learn how to fix this.

And last, but not least....

7) Go on "The Amazing Race" and "Wheel of Fortune"...seriously- I told someone once that I wanted to go on "The Amazing Race" and they replied "all jokes aside??" I know, me literally running around the world, and on tv at that, is a hard concept to grasp, but I want to do it! Anyone want to join me, please holla. As for the second, I mean, who doesn't want to go on that show?

That's it. That's my list. I'm sure ill add some things over time and will hopefully get to complete some or all know.
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Monday, November 8, 2010

It was all a dream....

There are some people who remember every dream they have and I am not one of those people. In fact, I barely ever remember any of them and when I do remember, it is the most random, odd things. For example, a few weeks ago I had a dream that I was playing Dominoes with Pee-Herman. Yes.
While that obviously meant nothing, some do believe that many of your dreams are some sort of insight to your feelings or things going on in your life. Bla, bla. Well for those of you who are into this crap, help a sista out and make me a believer.
Long story short: for the past few nights I've been having dreams with the same two people in different scenarios. One of the parties, I sporadically speak to, the other, I haven't spoken to in months and in the words of Forest Gump "that's all I have to say about that". The reason that I am looking for some kind of explanation is because this has all got me trippin and trippin just really aint my style. Unless its physically tripping, then yes, I do that all the time and its def part of my style.
So, if any of you feel as if you are dream experts and can help me out, I shall go into more detail, otherwise the rest of you can just miiiind ya bizness, that's all. Ah, I love ya kids.
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