Monday, January 31, 2011

Aaaand this song....

Mannnnnn ooohhhhh mannnnn, this was my jam. Say what you want, but Keith Sweat and his 2 songs were the shieett. Seriously.

And this song...

Was my first introduction to Young Jeezy. I remember it just like it was yesterday. Prive, Miami, Labor Day Weekend 2005. BEST. WEEKEND. EVER. EVER. EVER. This song was just the icing on the cake of fabulousness. Ah, love at first listen.

This song....

Can make even the hardest of hearts turn to mush. Yes, it's in me.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

'Cause your Famous boy....

Here's the story:
I have a friend, we'll call her....friend. Friend has a "friend" who she used to "talk" to (good ol' HS term) but does not "talk" to anymore, yet they still occassionally talk. (If you're smart, you got that, if not, go ask the person who did) Now, while friend has made some progress, a bit of the crush on her "friend" still remains. This past weekend, friend learned that her "friend" has reunited with an old "friend", prompting friend to hit a speedbump in her " ffffkkk that ninja" road to recovery. Oh, friend :/. Friend's friends and un-biased parties have told friend to ignore her "friends" conversations, but friend would rather her "friend" think that all is peachy-keen so she chooses to not ignore her "friend".
The moral of this rambling is: nobody listens, so save the advice. Friend was told from the very beginning of her "friendship" with "friend" that no good was going to come from it, yet friend went ahead and is now in a fried pickle (most amazing food ever, anywhoo). For some reason when it comes to relations with the opposite sex, even the smartest of people get stuck on damn stupid. Sad life.
If you have a friend like friend, or are friend, the only advice I can give to you is: nothing. Absolutely nothing. No matter what anyone tells you, nothing will help until you get over it. I know, I can really give Dr. Phil a run for his money.
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Party, party, let's all get....where is my purse?

This past weekend, I was not so sober for two days in a row and from what I was told and from what I remember, I realized that I am "That" girl. Who is "that" girl? Well, I'm glad you asked. "That" girl is:

-that girl who, every song that comes on, is HER song.
-that girl who enters her own dance world and thinks she's got the skills of Janet Jackson
-that girl who loses at least one belonging during her unsoberness
-that girl who you just have to look at and she starts cracking up. Well, I think I do that sober too.
And worst of all :
-that girl who loves everyone. You'll never hear me tell you that you are my most favorite friend in the whole wide world unless I've had some a few glasses of the devil juice in me.

Now, I've been going out for the past seven years and have gotten drunk before and yes, I am just now realizing this. While I think this is all eff em el status, many of you have gotten much amusement out of seeing me in this state, so I guess its okay. Just please, all pictures and videos must be ran by me first. Please.
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